
Last update 11 Jan 2013

1) The latest packages are widely thought to be only 12-month contracts.  This is wrong - there is a 30-day contract option.  Just pay £29.99 up-front. This applies to both broadband and the Home Phone/broadband bundles.

This is useful for people wanting short-term deals, but those intending to stay long-term on broadband only, not Home Phone, may as well save the £30 as there is a 30-day getout clause anyway on the 12-month contract.  That should be time enough to change your mind.

2) Always check the cashback sites listed on this page.

3) FUP and traffic management for joiners after 14 July 2010:-

Access 20GB; Basics 20GB; All Rounder 100GB; The Works 250GB.
All Rounder and The Works  Unlimited from 21 September 2011.
Update 16 June 2012 - see the strikeout and changes in the table below. I’ve no idea when it changed, but it was correct not long ago when I checked for changes.


Day Part

The Basics

The All Rounder

The Works

Streaming/ video activities (eg iPlayer, youtube)

All Times

800 kbits/s (kb/s)

8 Mbits/s (Mb/s)
Now as fast as line supports

as fast as your line can support

Peer to Peer activities (e.g. file downloads)

Off peak:
00.00-16.00 weekdays/ 00.00-12.00 weekends

100 kbits/s (kb/s)

250 kbits/s (kb/s)

as fast as your line can support


Peak/ Times of congestion:
16.00 - 00.00 weekdays/ 12.00-00.00 weekends

50 kbits/s (kb/s)

100 kbits/s (kb/s)

Was 250 kbits/s (kb/s)
Now as fast as line supports

If you can’t fit into the above, I suggest looking at O2’s sister company Be. The same network without the restrictions, though Value is only up to 12Mbps and there are no email/web space offerings. I don’t like those from ISPs anyway as they often make migration difficult.  See my ISP-independent web/email page.

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